Instron 5542 Materials Testing Machine
We service and calibrate all Instron 5500 Series Test Frames. We have the largest selection of all classic repair parts for all Instron tester models and controller types. We repair and calibrate the following 5500 Series load frames:
Instron Mini-55, Instron 5542, Instron 5543, Instron 5544, Instron 5564, Instron 5565, Instron 5567, Instron 5568, Instron 5569, Instron 5581, Instron 5582, Instron 5583, Instron 5584, Instron 5585/5585H, Instron 5589. These systems have an excellent history in the industry and we still support and carry these parts for repair. We also service and calibrate Instron 5800 Series: Instron 5842, Instron 5843, Instron 5844, Instron 5848, Instron 5865, Instron 5866, Instron 5867, Instron 5869, Instron 5881, Instron 5882, Instron 5884, Instron 5885/5885H, Instron 5887, Instron 5888.

Instron 5542 with Bluehill software with Instru-Met custom made stainless steel manually operated tensile grips